West Ottawa Board of Education’s

Search for a New Superintendent

The West Ottawa Board of Education is beginning the process of hiring a new superintendent.  The Board is soliciting community and staff input on the qualities, experiences, and skills needed in the new superintendent.  Residents of the District, all staff and administration are encouraged to participate in the process.

The Board is being assisted in its search by the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB), a service organization that supports the work of school boards throughout Michigan.  Greg Sieszputowski, Director of Leadership Development and Executive Search Services, is facilitating the search on behalf of MASB.  Mr. Sieszputowski will be holding virtual Zoom meetings with stakeholders to give the community and staff opportunity for input.  Parents and community members are invited to share their perspectives during the following virtual meetings:

Stakeholder Input Virtual Zoom Meetings

Monday, November 9, 2020

Parents #1/Community #1, 2 p.m. – Zoom link: https://melg.zoom.us/j/96409255229

Parents #2, 6 p.m. – Zoom link: https://melg.zoom.us/j/95469018034

Community #2, 7 p.m. – Zoom link: https://melg.zoom.us/j/98034544202

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Parents #3, 7 p.m. – Zoom link: https://melg.zoom.us/j/98541488025

Online Survey

Input may also be shared via an online survey, which has been extended and is now available at the following URL until 8 a.m. on Thursday, November 12, 2020:


The survey is being administered by the MASB Executive Search team on behalf of the District and takes about ten (10) minutes to complete.  Anonymous individual responses will be combined with those from the virtual Zoom meetings with stakeholders to provide important community input to the West Ottawa Board of Education as it seeks to identify the best candidate for the position.

The new superintendent is expected to assume the position late February / March 2021.

2nd Round Superintendent Open House Zoom Meetings

Press Release on Candidates Selected to Advance in Superintendent Search

Press Release on Candidates Selected for 1st Round Interviews

Resumes of Candidates Selected for 1st Round Interviews

Candidate Profile

Superintendent Search Flyer

Preliminary Posting

Superintendent Search Timeline


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