Sheldon WoodsSchool Information
Sheldon Woods is a small, family-oriented school in an idyllic location for learning with nature trails, a sledding hill, and a paved running track. Sheldon Woods offers an outstanding choice in education for families along the lakeshore. Staff encourage students to think deeply and take action in their own lives. Through the process of inquiry and engaging activities, students ask questions and develop into responsible and compassionate citizens who care for both their local and global community.
At Sheldon Woods, we strive to make everything we do in our classrooms and our community connect. Our passion for learning extends to every member of our community from students, to staff, to parents. With the strong support of our staff, families, and PTO, our children come to school where a lifelong love of learning is fostered and where children learn they can make a difference.
Sheldon WoodsFAQ
How do I enroll my student at Sheldon Woods Elementary?
Please view the enrollment information here.
What is the daily start and end time? What is the schedule for a half day?
Please view the daily start and end time schedule on this document.
Where can I access the Parent/Student Handbook?
What is the curriculum offered students at Sheldon Woods Elementary?
All students at Sheldon Woods Elementary receive a minimum of 75 minutes of Math and 120 minutes of English Language Arts everyday.
When were the emergency drills this year?
Please review the spreadsheet to learn more about the drills at this building.
Student Life
What specials are provided for our students?
All students at Sheldon Woods Elementary School receive weekly instruction in Spanish, Technology, Physical Wellness, Art and Music.
How is technology integrated into the curriculum?
All students at Sheldon Woods Elementary are provided opportunities to experience age appropriate technology. In the classroom, through a ratio of one computer for every four students, learning is enhanced during small group independent.
What are Positive Behavior Intervention Supports?
“PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.” For more information on PBIS, please visit