WoodsideSchool Information

Woodside Elementary is a Young Kinders through fifth grade elementary school located at 2591 North Division Avenue in Park Township. It is one of eight elementary buildings in the West Ottawa Public School District. At Woodside, the educational team sets high expectations for our students. Together, the entire staff, parents, and community work together to support each student in meeting these expectations.

We believe in our Woodside PRIDE! Every student is made to feel special, and at Woodside we recognize that each one has a talent and/or a gift to share with all of us. We have created a school community where each and every day a child’s individuality and needs are considered when our instructional practices and enhanced programs are implemented. Please come visit and observe firsthand the warm, caring, academically challenging, and child-centered school that has been created through a partnership among faculty, staff, parents, students and community members.



What is the daily start and end time? What is the schedule for a half day?

Please view the daily start and end time schedule on this document.

Where can I access the Parent/Student Handbook?

How can I be involved?

Along with a caring staff, Woodside Elementary students are supported by a large number of parent, community and high school student volunteers. Parents interested in volunteering at Woodside are encouraged to complete the online Volunteer Form and to reach out to their child’s teacher.

What is Young Kinders?

Young Kinders is a full-day program offered to students at Woodside Elementary. Students typically assigned to Young Kinders are summer birthdays. For more information on Young Kinders, please contact the principal at (616) 786-1900.

What is Woodside Pride?

Woodside Pride is a building wide focus ensuring our students are “Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!”

What are the Title 1 services offered at Woodside?

Title 1 services offered at Woodside are dedicated to supporting students and families in the area of Reading and Mathematics.

What are Positive Behavior Intervention Supports?

“PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.” For more information on PBIS, please visit

What is the curriculum offered students at Woodside Elementary?

All students at Woodside Elementary receive a minimum of 75 minutes of Math and 120 minutes of English Language Arts everyday.

How can I provide suggestions to my child's school?

Woodside Elementary School receives federal funding through Title 1. Parents interested in learning more about Title 1 or providing suggestions on the programming at Woodside may contact the principal.

When were the emergency drills this year?

Please review the spreadsheet to learn more about the drills at this building.

Student Life

What specials are provided our students?

All students at Woodside Elementary School receive weekly instruction in Spanish, Technology, Physical Wellness, Art and Music.

How is technology integrated into the curriculum?

All students at Woodside Elementary are provided opportunities to experience age appropriate technology. In the classroom, through a ratio of one computer for every four students, learning is enhanced during small group independent.

My kids have thrived at Woodside due to the caring staff and teachers that have the ability to recognize both strengths and weaknesses and give encouragement accordingly! The strong communication is appreciated and they value and respect my input as a parent. My kids are safe, happy and thriving in the diverse environment. I am confident they are on the path to being "Life Ready!"
Libby Piotrzkowski, parent
The teachers and staff at Woodside Elementary are wonderful! They truly care about all of the students and are committed to providing the best education and support a child can have. They are always willing to give advice and suggestions on how I can better support my child's learning at home, which has been very helpful and has made a big difference.
Linda Kisner, parent