Great LakesSchool Information
Great Lakes Elementary is located on the corner of Riley Street and 152nd Avenue and sits adjacent from West Ottawa’s world class high school campus. Great Lakes is the newest of West Ottawa’s eight elementary schools and the staff at Great Lakes is committed to providing a robust education for all of our students. Great Lakes Elementary serves as a pre-school (GSRP) through 5th grade elementary building that offers a wide variety of “specials” for students to gain exposure to traditional “elective” offerings like music and art. Our school’s mission is “every student, every day” and as a school we live out that mission by forming deep relationships with the over 500 students who call Great Lakes home. The staff at Great Lakes is known to be extremely dedicated, talented and driven. It is our belief that a quality education can be the great equalizer and a huge stepping stone to ensure a brighter tomorrow for future generations.
At Great Lakes we pride ourselves on putting the needs of the students first and we work to build supportive relationships with our wider school community as we truly believe the best type of education is one in which schools partner with families. Great Lakes Elementary also puts an emphasis on the social emotional learning and well being of our students and through targeted lessons and explicit teaching we work to help our students become respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. Finally, through our incorporation of technology and combination of best practice teaching strategies, Great Lakes strives to make certain we are developing students who are college, career and life ready.
Great LakesFAQ
How do I enroll my student at Great Lakes?
Please visit our Enrollment page on the website.
What is the daily start and end time? What is the schedule for a half day?
Please view the daily start and end time schedule on this document.
Where can I access the Parent/Student Handbook?
What is the curriculum offered students at Great Lakes Elementary?
When were the emergency drills?
Please review the spreadsheet to learn more about the drills at this building.
Student Life
What "Specials" are provided to students?
All students, YK-5, take a combination of Physical Wellness, Art, Music, Technology, and Spanish Language. Each “Special” is taken once per week.
How is technology integrated into the curriculum?
All students at Great Lakes Elementary are provided opportunities to experience age appropriate technology. In the classroom, through a ratio of one computer for every four students, learning is enhanced during small group independent.