West OttawaSchool Information
Located near the shores of Lake Michigan, West Ottawa High School serves a diverse student body within a wonderfully supportive community. A comprehensive high school of 2230 students in grades 9-12, West Ottawa is able to offer the largest selection of educational opportunities of any West Michigan school. These opportunities include 22 Advanced Placement courses, 16 International Baccalaureate courses within the IB Diploma Program, as well as nearly 200 course selections among eight elective and four core departments. This vast array of educational opportunities sets us apart from other high schools in Ottawa County.
We know academic success can be highly correlated with extra-curricular involvement. Students at West Ottawa are encouraged to participate in one of the more than 30 extracurricular clubs and organizations on our campus. We also are members of the highly competitive OK Red Athletic Conference and support 28 inter-varsity sports. West Ottawa’s performing and fine arts programs are continually recognized for their excellence at local, state, and national competitions. Our high school campus consists of two 9-12 buildings on over 60 acres of green space. Students often travel between buildings for classes, providing a small “college-like” atmosphere.
West OttawaFAQ
How do I enroll my student at West Ottawa High School?
Please visit our enrollment page. You may also contact our registrar office:
Ms. Shannon Bowker
Email Ms. Bowker
(616) 786-1110
First contact for new families/Enrollment paperwork/Student records
What courses does West Ottawa High School offer?
West Ottawa High School offers more classes than any high school along the lakeshore including a full International Baccalaureate program, 21 Advanced Placement courses, Early College, Dual Enrollment, Project Lead the Way and an extensive selection of elective classes. Please visit our course guide page for more information.
How can a student earn a Seal of Biliteracy at WOHS?
WOHS is excited to offer the Seal of Biliteracy to students who meet all graduation requirements and demonstrate intermediate high proficiency on world language assessments. Please contact your counselor for more information.
When were the emergency drills?
Please review the spreadsheet to learn more about the drills at this building.
Student Life
What is the daily start and end time? What is the schedule for a half day?
Please view the daily start and end time schedule on this document.
Where can I find Chromebook Information?
Check out all information relating to WOHS 1:1 learning initiative by clicking here.
Summer School & Test Out Information?
Test Out occurs each summer. Students are able to demonstrate mastery of a course through test out.
Information regarding Summer School will be released each Spring.
Where do I find information regarding Advanced Coursework?
Does WOHS offer online learning?
Where can I find the Student Handbook?
Please visit the WOHS Handbook
Where do I locate e-Funds & Lunch Funds?
Please visit:
Lunch – https://wo-food.westottawa.net/Login.aspx
e-Funds – https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/55620
Where can I request a Transcript?
Please visit https://www.parchment.com/