Our Counseling and Academic Departments are proud to support students in their transition throughout their K-12 education into adulthood. Please review the FAQs below for resources to support your child.
Community Resources
Need more help? Where can I go for community counseling, medical/dental/vision resources, etc?
The Holland community is full of many resources for multiple needs. If you are in need of assistance for medical, dental, prescription, mental health, vision, substance use, hospital bills and/or health coverage, this link might be helpful to you.
Community Resource List and West Ottawa Middle and High Schools Contacts
Where can I find resources on Internet Safety?
On this Google Document is a list of resources to support internet safety in your home.
Crisis Resources
Where can I get immediate mental wellness help?
There are people available now to help if you are in crisis. Please call or text one of the numbers listed below or immediately contact a staff member at WOHS.
Suicide Prevention & Suspected Abuse Resources
Where can I get information on suicide prevention?
Please review this document.
Sprectrum Health Blue Envelope Suicide Prevention Resources
Click here to access suicide prevention resources from our Spectrum Health partnership.
How do I report suspicious behavior? What is Okay2Say?
“OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at school students, school employees, and schools. It uses a comprehensive communication system to facilitate tip sharing among students, parents, school personnel, community mental health service programs, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and law enforcement officials about harmful behaviors that threaten to disrupt the learning environment.” Learn more about this organization at their website: https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say