Public Notice of an Electronic Special Work Session of the Board of Education

West Ottawa Public School District


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 5:30 p.m., the Board of Education of the West Ottawa Public School District will meet electronically via Zoom for a special work session, pursuant to Michigan Executive Order 2020-160, to discuss the pre-search process for hiring a superintendent.  Agenda


Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-160 in response to COVID-19 allows for public bodies to meet remotely.


The public may participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom video conference via the following link:

Meeting ID: 993 3247 3057

Passcode: A07dRv


This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education, in public, for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  However, there is time for public participation during the meeting.

How do I register to participate in the public comment portions of the meeting?

Members of the public who wish to make comments must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting prior to the meeting being called to order, as permitted by Executive Order 2020-160, by notifying the West Ottawa Board of Education at  When you register you must include all of the following information to participate:  1) your first and last names, 2) your address, and 3) whether your comment is regarding an item ON or NOT ON the agenda.

To provide for orderly public participation, the President will recognize all persons who have registered to speak during the earlier opportunity for items ON the agenda and then later during the meeting those who have registered to speak during the opportunity for items NOT ON the agenda.

Public Comment Rules

Up to one-half hour will be reserved for this forum, with a maximum of two minutes per individual for items listed on the agenda (beginning of the meeting) and two minutes per individual for items not listed on the agenda (end of the meeting).  If a delegation or group is present to address the Board, it may select up to five spokespersons to speak on its behalf for a maximum of 15 minutes. No participant may speak more than once.

There will typically be no attempt to comment or give answers at this meeting.  Inquiries will be referred to the superintendent for response at a later time.


If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service to participate in the meeting, please contact Brian Field, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, at (616) 786-2084 for voice or TDD calls or at at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Board minutes are located at the central office of the Board of Education, 1138 136th Avenue, Holland, Michigan  49424, and at

This notice is given by order of the Board of Education.

Darrin Duistermars, Secretary
West Ottawa Board of Education

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