High School Bands

The West Ottawa High School Band Program is widely recognized around the state as an outstanding program.  Students are afforded numerous performance opportunities including  Symphony Band, Wind Symphony, Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz I, Jazz II, Musical Pit Orchestra, Basketball Band and numerous Chamber Ensembles.  Our ensembles have achieved great recognition, being featured numerous times at the Michigan Music Conference, Michigan Youth Arts Festival and Western Michigan University’s Spring Conference on Wind and Percussion Music.  Each year we have students selected to perform in All-State and Youth Arts Festival Honors groups. Many of our alumni perform in college – some major in Music Education, Composition or Performance, while others perform in their university’s marching band or concert program.

From now until July 7th, 2024, West Ottawa Music is running a fundraiser, with an anoymous donor matching all donations up to $1,500! Please consider donating here!